Welcome to the Soul Sisters Blog!

We’re three sisters on a mission to empower and inspire women everywhere to pursue their passions and achieve their dreams. Our story is probably not unlike your own; a tug at the heartstring, a feeling of wanting more from life, a desire to fulfill a divine purpose. It was these relentless yearnings that inspired the concept of Soulspring Groups.

When our souls open up (and they tend to quite often) we’ve got to share! We invite you to read our thoughts (and occasional rants) on women, empowerment, passion, destiny and life! Feel free to share your comments; we love to hear your thoughts (and rants) too! And, become an official follower! It's always fun to see the company we're keeping!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Women's Empowerment Tip: Soul-Searching Questions for Abundance

The long warm days of summer are coming to an end and suddenly there is a chill in the air.  Fall is certainly upon us and we love what this time of year brings with it.  Cool days meant for cozy sweatshirts and sweaters, warm hearty eats, and bulging baskets of fresh garden produce. 

Abundance...it’s all around us.

Abundance is the belief that we have enough and will continue to have enough.  As economic and political news is intently focused on scarcity, lack, and that which is in short supply, a focus on abundance is especially important right now.  And since we’re in the heart of the harvest season, we couldn't think of a better time to reflect on the fullness of our lives. 

Yes, we all want more time, more money, more stuff.  Yet, if we only open our eyes, and look at our lives differently, we see how blessed we truly are; our lives are overflowing for sure!

So often when we think of abundance and prosperity, our thoughts turn to money and financial wealth.  While money is an important aspect of life, and an abundance of the green stuff is a definite blessing, we can experience abundance in other areas of our lives, too.  Energy, love, joy, solitude, freedom, and space, are just a few areas you might enjoy in greater quantities. 

Where would you like to experience greater richness?  How can you get focused in on the abunance currently present for you?

We’re big believers in the benefits of journaling and personal contemplation, and when combined with our Soul-Searching Questions, the process can reveal the abundance and prosperity currently in your life, as well as areas where you wish to attract more.  So grab your journal (or a notebook) and spend some quite time documenting your thoughts around these gems.

Soul-Searching Questions about Abundance:
  • Where in my life do I see and feel the most abundant right now?
  • Where in my life would I like to experience more abundance right now?
  • What is one thing I know I must do to attract and experience more abundance in my life?
  • What thoughts, behaviors and attitudes are keeping me from a more abundant life?

The Soul Sisters

Soulspiration of the Week:
“I keep the telephone of my mind open to peace, harmony, health, love and abundance. Then whenever doubt, anxiety, or fear try to call me, they keep getting a busy signal and soon they’ll forget my number.”  ~Edith Armstrong

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