Welcome to the Soul Sisters Blog!

We’re three sisters on a mission to empower and inspire women everywhere to pursue their passions and achieve their dreams. Our story is probably not unlike your own; a tug at the heartstring, a feeling of wanting more from life, a desire to fulfill a divine purpose. It was these relentless yearnings that inspired the concept of Soulspring Groups.

When our souls open up (and they tend to quite often) we’ve got to share! We invite you to read our thoughts (and occasional rants) on women, empowerment, passion, destiny and life! Feel free to share your comments; we love to hear your thoughts (and rants) too! And, become an official follower! It's always fun to see the company we're keeping!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Our Readers Speak

Previously posted: February 13, 2009

It’s been just over a month since our first Sisters of Soul blog entry and we’ve been overwhelmed by your encouragement. Friends and total strangers reading the blog and visiting the website are joining the email list, and as they do they write such encouraging comments. We wanted to dedicate this week’s blog to sharing a few of these special messages:

A. B. writes…
“I am enthralled by this idea. I work directly with the corporate world to share similar coaching tools, but I have not seen them shared in personal lives. I truly believe the support of women around you, even if just through an e-mail, enriches ones life. Being able to share ideas, be supportive and have a sense of belonging with women who have similar end goals in life is a gift you are all sharing with others. Thank you Soul Sisters!”

You are so right A.B.! Corporate America recognizes the benefits of goal setting, strategic planning and continuous improvement, spending hours, days, and sometimes weeks focused on planning for the future. And there’s a reason why they do; when they plan and invest in developing the skills of their employees the company is more successful. Why wouldn’t we put that same effort into our personal lives? Most people spend more time planning a vacation than planning their life! We all have a reason for being on this earth. Some are lucky in that they stumble across their life purpose with little effort. Others need to open their eyes and seek it out. It’s a process; a journey. Helping women do just that is our mission at Soulspring Groups!

T.M. writes…
“Ever since my mom started going to the empowerment meetings she has given me a lot of things to think about. She would come home and tell me the topic of discussion at the meeting that night and we would get into a discussion of our own.”

Thanks for sharing T.M.! From our very first meeting we recognized how far reaching the group’s efforts were! Our meetings are an exciting event that every member looks forward to each month. But what happens after the meeting is exciting too! As members begin to put what they learned into practice, things begin to change in their lives. There are shifts in belief and action. Conversations take place between husbands and wives, mothers and daughters, sister to sister, friend to friend. Each meeting is like a pebble dropped in a pool, the ripple effect expands outwards affecting others in a positive way too.

R.J. writes…
“I'M CRYING!!!! I'M CRYING!!! In a good way!! I can't even begin to tell you how much your dream has inspired me to become not only a better person but to really reach to become the woman, friend, wife, family member that I have always wanted to be. Keep up the passion, the creativity and know in your hearts that taking the leap of faith to create Soulspring Groups was truly the RIGHT THING TO DO!!! I am so touched everyday that I was asked to be included in this journey.”

Yes R.J., we’re on a journey. Hasn’t it been an exciting ride? We’ve learned so much, found new levels of confidence we never knew we had. We’re achieving more, and living life like never before! Each day is like a new adventure! It’s time to help other women experience this too!

L.M. writes…
"I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am about Soulspring! I can proudly say that two years back my very dear friend and her two sisters told me of a vision they had for a group of inspired woman - a group of woman that wanted more - they wanted to find their life's purpose - they want to grow and learn. Well imagine my surprise when they invited me to join in and offer skills, share dreams, and in return make great friends and learn so much more about myself. This vision has brought me to realize strengths I never knew I had, vision to a grand future and the determination to live it!”

Isn’t it amazing what you see in yourself when you open your eyes and look L.M.? Remember, it was in you the entire time. As we say, “Your passions run deep” and you just needed to let yours rise to the surface!

We hope to share more of your comments in the future! Thank you to everyone who joined our email list this past month! If you haven’t shared Soulspring Groups with your friends, would you please email our website link today? Encourage them to join our email list so we can email them a notice about our “official” launch, which is coming soon. We are busy behind the scenes preparing for the day when we can roll out our services to you and with your help start a crusade of women’s empowerment across the country!

The Sisters of Soul

Soulspiration of the Week:

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

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